Monday, September 20, 2010

My Name, as it were.

My real name is not Yorick. If you didn't guess that, I'd like you to stop reading my blog now. We do have some minimal standards here. No squids over the length of ten feet, no yellowjackets, no Libertarians and no one stupider than your average lobotomized hippopotamus. So yeah, if you fit any of those descriptions, (although I may be lenient on the giant squid side. Just because I'm impressed that you can manage to hit these tiny keys.) you can go now.

I chose Yorick because my username for one of the very first sites I ever used a username for (, great site, worth checking out, don't mention my name or they might not let you in) was deadmanwalking. It sounded great to the eleven or twelve-year-old me (I don't remember exactly how old I was) and I even had a cool little quote that I made up as my sig. "When the dead walk, the living run."

A couple years ago, I realized that I should cultivate some aspects of respectability. So deadmanwalking became Yorick, still dead, no longer walking, but now an allusion to the Great Bard, who I note never actually sang anything. Embracing a higher veil of academia while still sticking to the roots of my stupider self.

How very American of me.

Anyways, I figure it's better than numbers and a name right? Something along the lines of Sam3485_5 or @@Ru55ell18^ isn't a name I'd want, even if in the process I might sneak my own name somewhere in the mix. Better to be individual and whole, even if not entirely accurate.

And hell, Yorick was, if I may quote, "a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy." Sounds like a pretty fun dude.

And there are definitely worse ways to be remembered.

1 comment:

  1. It's disturbing just how well Yorick suits you.

    RIP Deady, for some fellow of infinite jest has risen to take your place.
